Sunday, July 3, 2016

Ideas and Things!

So to be frank, I haven't really made a lot of time to do art. I've been trying, and other things keep getting in the way. Work, school,... Netflix... Yikes. Well, I'll try to do better! And by that, I mean I will do better! I'm gonna have to draw a picture of my resolve now, or of me looking determined or something lol.

Anyway! Here's some stuff that I've been working on! Not much, but yeah... There's a bunch of other stuff too, but none of it is anywhere close enough to being posted. That or, I't just not worth the trouble ^.^'

I've been doing a screen recording with this one, so as soon as it's all done, I'll have a fun little sped up video!

I'm actually really pleased with this one so far because I've only spent half an hour on it :D

Anyway, that's it for now!

Oh yeah! Here's an update on that female nude!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Handsisisis! ...Hands...

Just some fun hand sculpts done in ZBrush. I was just doing human hands, and then I got kind of carried away on that last one... Yikes lol. But it was fun! :)

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Here's that art dump I was talking about! All of these pieces are in progress, but some of them might remain as they are. For the sake of potential Commentary, I'll number them so you don't have to attempt to describe what the hell I've put together XD










Hey guys,

So this is going to be my art blog... Uh... Yeah... I will try to post fairly regularly and stuff...

Oy vey, that's vague and unassuming. If there's anything in particular anyone would like to see completed, I recommend you say so. In all probability, most of the art I post will be unfinished; thus, the title "Wandering Thought." At any rate, I'm just going to begin with a delightful art dump. Any critique is welcome, provided it's constructive; otherwise, keep it to yourself. If you're interested in my taking a look at your own work for pointers, feel free to say so. Any and all ideas are welcome.

Guess that's about it.

