Sunday, July 3, 2016

Ideas and Things!

So to be frank, I haven't really made a lot of time to do art. I've been trying, and other things keep getting in the way. Work, school,... Netflix... Yikes. Well, I'll try to do better! And by that, I mean I will do better! I'm gonna have to draw a picture of my resolve now, or of me looking determined or something lol.

Anyway! Here's some stuff that I've been working on! Not much, but yeah... There's a bunch of other stuff too, but none of it is anywhere close enough to being posted. That or, I't just not worth the trouble ^.^'

I've been doing a screen recording with this one, so as soon as it's all done, I'll have a fun little sped up video!

I'm actually really pleased with this one so far because I've only spent half an hour on it :D

Anyway, that's it for now!

Oh yeah! Here's an update on that female nude!